Patrick Cleburne, killed at the Battle of Franklin on Nov. 30, 1864, and a story about the general's sword in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on March 20, 1878. |
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At about dawn the day after the Battle of Franklin (Tenn.), Confederate General Patrick Cleburne's body was found among other fallen Rebels -- he was flat on his back, his kepi partially covering his eyes. The division commander's remains were taken by wagon to the McGavock family’s Carnton Plantation mansion, accompanied by the hat as well as the general’s watch and sword. The kepi may be found on display in the excellent Tennessee State Museum in Nashville. The watch and sword? Well, I know a few folks who are interested in their whereabouts.
Can you help?
Oh, and here's a
neat story about the circuitous journey of Cleburne's 36-caliber Colt revolver.
Patrick Cleburne's kepi in the Tennessee State Museum in Nashville. |
-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? E-mail me here.
Cleburne's presentation sword is at the Atlanta History Center.