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A fallen Confederate at Petersburg in 1864. (Thomas C. Roche | Library of Congress) CLICK ON ALL IMAGES TO ENLARGE. |
After the publication in 1886 of his eloquent, unvarnished account of service in the Army of the Potomac, Frank Wilkeson received reviews any author would crave.
"No book about the war for the Union can compare either style or in readableness ...," the Philadelphia Times wrote about Recollections of a Private Soldier in the Army of the Potomac. "Mr. Wilkeson's style is as crisp as a new treasury note. It is as clear as a trumpet-call. It is as deliciously breezy as a morning in May. It is impossible to take up his book and put it down without reading it."
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Frank Wilkeson |
"Everyone," another newspaper wrote, "will gain a prize by possession of this book."
A son of a well-known journalist, Wilkeson enlisted at 16 in 1864 after running away from home. On July 1, 1863, his older brother, Bayard, a lieutenant in the 4th United States Regular Artillery, suffered a mortal wound at Gettysburg. As a private in the 11th New York Light Artillery, Frank witnessed some of the worst fighting of the war — at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, North Anna River, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. He somehow finagled his way onto the battlefield and fought as infantry at the Wilderness.
Wilkeson — who became a well-known journalist in his own right in the 1880s — wrote compelling chapters on the major Overland Campaign battles in Recollections. But it's an 11-page chapter entitled "How Men Die in Battle," as raw and ugly as a large, open wound, that captivates — and horrifies — me most. Here's the excerpt from Wilkeson's remarkable work:
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Famous "Harvest of Death" photo of Union dead at Gettysburg. (Alexander Gardner | Library of Congress) |
On the second day of the battle of the Wilderness, where I fought as an infantry soldier, I saw more men killed and wounded than I did before or after in the same time. I knew but few of the men in the regiment in whose ranks I stood; but I learned the Christian names of some of them. The man who stood next to me on my right was called Will. He was cool, brave, and intelligent. In the morning, when the Second Corps was advancing and driving Hill's soldiers slowly back, I was flurried. He noticed it, and steadied my nerves by saying, kindly: "Don't fire so fast. This fight will last all day. Don't hurry. Cover your man before you pull your trigger. Take it easy, my boy, take it easy, and your cartridges will last the longer." This man fought effectively.
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Close-up of fallen young Confederate at Antietam. (Alexander Gardner | Library of Congress) |
When we got into the Brock Road intrenchments, a man a few files to my left dropped dead, shot just above the right eye. He did not groan, or sigh, or make the slightest physical movement, except that his chest heaved a few times. The life went out of his face instantly, leaving it without a particle of expression. It was plastic, and, as the facial muscles contracted, it took many shapes. When this man's body became cold, and his face hardened, it was horribly distorted, as though he had suffered intensely. Any person, who had not seen him killed, would have said that he had endured supreme agony before death released him. A few minutes after he fell, another man, a little farther to the left, fell with apparently a precisely similar wound. He was straightened out and lived for over an hour. He did not speak. Simply lay on his back, and his broad chest rose and fell, slowly at first, and then faster and faster, and more and more feebly, until he was dead. And his face hardened, and it was almost terrifying in its painful distortion.
I have seen dead soldiers' faces which were wreathed in smiles, and heard their comrades say that they had died happy. I do not believe that the face of a dead soldier, lying on a battle-field, ever truthfully indicates the mental or physical anguish, or peacefulness of mind, which he suffered or enjoyed before his death. The face is plastic after death, and as the facial muscles cool and contract, they draw the face into many shapes. Sometimes the dead smile, again they stare with glassy eyes, and lolling tongues, and dreadfully distorted visages at you. It goes for nothing. One death was as painless as the other.
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Skulls and bones of unburied soldiers in the Wilderness in 1865. (Library of Congress) |
After Longstreet's soldiers had driven the Second Corps into their intrenchments along the Brock Road, a battle-exhausted infantryman stood behind a large oak tree. His back rested against it. He was very tired, and held his rifle loosely in his hand. The Confederates were directly in our front. This soldier was apparently in perfect safety. A solid shot from a Confederate gun struck the oak tree squarely about four feet from the ground; but it did not have sufficient force to tear through the tough wood. The soldier fell dead. There was not a scratch on him. He was killed by concussion.
While we were fighting savagely over these intrenchments the woods in our front caught fire, and I saw many of our wounded burned to death. Must they not have suffered horribly? I am not at all sure of that. The smoke rolled heavily and slowly before the fire. It enveloped the wounded, and I think that by far the larger portion of the men who were roasted were suffocated before the flames curled round them. The spectacle was courage-sapping and pitiful, and it appealed strongly to the imagination of the spectators; but I do not believe that the wounded soldiers, who were being burned, suffered greatly, if they suffered at all.
Wounded soldiers, it mattered not how slight the wounds, generally hastened away from the battle lines. A wound entitled a man to go to the rear and to a hospital. Of course there were many exceptions to this rule, as there would necessarily be in battles where from twenty thousand to thirty thousand men were wounded. I frequently saw slightly wounded men who were marching with their colors. I personally saw but two men wounded who continued to fight.
During the first day's fighting in the Wilderness I saw a youth of about twenty years skip and yell, stung by a bullet through the thigh. He turned to limp to the rear. After he had gone a few steps he stopped, then he kicked out his leg once or twice to see if it would work. Then he tore the clothing away from his leg so as to see the wound. He looked at it attentively for an instant, then kicked out his leg again, then turned and took his place in the ranks and resumed firing. There was considerable disorder in the line, and the soldiers moved to and fro-now a few feet to the right, now a few feet to the left. One of these movements brought me directly behind this wounded soldier.
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Skulls and bones inside Federal lines near Orange Plank Road in the Wilderness, (Library of Congress) |
The next day, just before Longstreet's soldiers made their first charge on the Second Corps, I heard the peculiar cry a stricken man utters as the bullet tears through his flesh. I turned my head, as I loaded my rifle, to see who was hit. I saw a bearded Irishman pull up his shirt. He had been wounded in the left side just below the floating ribs. His face was gray with fear. The wound looked as though it were mortal. He looked at it for an instant, then poked it gently with his index finger. He flushed redly, and smiled with satisfaction. He tucked his shirt into his trousers, and was fighting in the ranks again before I had capped my rifle. The ball had cut a groove in his skin only. The play of this Irishman's face was so expressive, his emotions changed so quickly, that I could not keep from laughing.
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Cropped enlargement of an image of a Union field hospital at Savage Station, Va. (Library of Congress) |
None of these soldiers cried aloud, none called on wife, or mother, or father. They lay on the ground, pale-faced, and with set jaws, waiting for their end. They moaned and groaned as they suffered, but none of them flunked. When my battery returned from the front, five or six hours afterward, almost all of these men were dead. Long before the campaign was over I concluded that dying soldiers seldom called on those who were dearest to them, seldom conjured their Northern on Southern homes, until they became delirious. Then, when their minds wandered, and fluttered at the approach of freedom, they babbled of their homes. Some were boys again, and were fishing in Northern trout streams. Some were generals leading their men to victory. Some were with their wives and children. Some wandered over their family's homestead; but all, with rare exceptions, were delirious.
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Union wounded at Fredericksburg in 1864. (Library of Congress) |
Wounded soldiers almost always tore their clothing away from their wounds, so as to see them and to judge of their character. Many of them would smile and their faces would brighten as they realized that they were not hard hit, and that they could go home for a few months. Others would give a quick glance at their wounds and then shrink back as from a blow, and turn pale, as they realized the truth that they were mortally wounded. The enlisted men were exceedingly accurate judges of the probable result which would ensue from any wound they saw. They had seen hundreds of soldiers wounded, and they had noticed that certain wounds always resulted fatally. They knew when they were fatally wounded, and after the shock of discovery had passed, they generally braced themselves and died in a manly manner. It was seldom that an American or Irish volunteer flunked in the presence of death.
-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? E-mail me here.
-- Helena (Mont.) Weekly Herald, Dec. 30, 1886.
-- Philadelphia Times, Dec. 19, 1886.
-- The Baltimore Sun, Dec. 23, 1886.
Excellent article. Your blog is my favorite. Always interesting and educational.
ReplyDeletePowerful. Thanks for posting this, John. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteThey is something morbidly curious zooming in on the dead of the civil war.. I always look to see their faces.
DeleteWilkerson' book is a treasure. Thanks for sharing John.
ReplyDeleteIf only the politicians who send the young off to war would be made to stay with the boys and not hide behind their titles , maybe then we’d not need to be living in this viciousness as we do now !!
ReplyDeleteThis is a moving piece, John, and a powerful reminder that war is a nasty business. I believe Nathan Bedford Forrest is credited with saying that “war means fighting and fighting means killing”. Your Wilkerson passages put war in focus by bringing us up close and personal to fighting and killing in the Civil War. Thank you for this gripping post.
ReplyDeleteAn entirely different perspective on the on faces of the battlefield dead. Thanks for this powerful piece.
ReplyDeleteNice article. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteNice is not the term that first came to e when I read this piece.
DeletePOWERFUL. As a proud Daughter of the Confederacy, this gives me even more conviction to ensure our forefathers are remembered. The monuments and memory of my own kin will not be taken from me. Deo Vindice.
ReplyDeleteThe confederacy, and the misery it caused, and the slavery it fought to continue, are nothing to be proud of. May the memory of these traitors to the union ever be one of shame.
DeleteThis is an embarrassing take, Andrea.
DeleteTake them out of the public square and put them in a museum. Let's not celebrate those who tried to destroy the greatest nation on Earth.
DeleteDon't they these haters bother you. They anonymous Cowards.
DeleteShame on the cowards who anonymously replied to Andrea's post. You obviously know little of history or you would know that slavery was not the true cause of the Civil War. It was MONEY! The Morrill Tariff was again robbing the southern states of money to build infrastructure in the north and the South was tired of it and threatened to secede, which they eventually did. The union could not afford to live without the South's tariff money. The north had no means of raising money except to continue to steal it from the south. Tariffs funded the federal government. Individual income taxes were not discovered until 1913 and the horrible beast we now know as our federal government is the result. Not until 1863 did slavery become a real issue. Losing the war badly, public support disappearing, and having troops walk away from the battlefield to go home, and recruiting in the toilet, Lincoln had to do something to gin up public support. Thus was born the Emancipation Proclamation. As to calling southerners "traitors," how foolish! Our founding fathers were also traitors then. One of our founding fathers and greatest presidents, Thomas Jefferson, said decades before the Civil War that "the states entered the union voluntarily and should be allowed to leave the same way." Very true! Lincoln was wrong! He caused the deaths and misery of so many for MONEY! And, the rest is history!
DeleteYou will not witness smart and honest historians claiming that slavery was not the issue. As to pride, not that I started or engaged in the war myself, I regret that I had family on both sides.
DeleteI just want to say that the Confederates were traitors. They did fight to preserve slavery and destroy democracy. They mentioned slavery umpteen times when they seceded. It doesn't matter that the North initially fought only to save the Union if the South seceded to preserve slavery. It had nothing to do with money or tariffs. That's a rare case of the losers being able to rewrite history to suit them. Who cares what Jefferson thought about secession? He was one man with one wrong opinion. Abraham Lincoln was a great man who saved this country, and he did NOT do so for "money". When will these slavery and treason apologists just shut their mouths? I fear never. Also, yeah, Andrea has NOTHING to be proud of.
DeleteOh, and the impetus for the Emancipation Proclamation was to prevent foreign recognition of, and aid to, the Confederacy. It was not to increase public support for the war. Most Northerners at that time did not care enough about slavery to make its elimination change their level of support for the war.
DeleteOn the other hand, no foreign countries wanted to help perpetuate slavery, so by making it so that if the Confederacy lost, slavery would end (yeah yeah I know that it was only effective at that time in the states which had seceded, that was a technicality), Lincoln prevented that foreign recognition and aid. Thomas Madison needs to take a few history classes, but I suppose he'd rather just make up his own history.
Every politician needs to govern with as much devotion and respect for those they represent.
ReplyDeletemy GG Grandfather Arthur Buckminster Fuller was KIA at Fredericksburg the day after his discharge The official account of his death is somewhat different than the family version http://uudb.org/articles/arthurbuckminsterfuller.html Our family was told that the flag bearer was hit and he grabbed the flag and was immediately struck down by a rebel Sharps shooter He was a man of the cloth and couldn't let the boys go into battle without a Chaplain
ReplyDeleteThank you, John. A darkly fascinating and gripping entry that is a chilling and sobering counterpoint to the vast written images of pomp and glory in Civil War literature.
ReplyDeleteWas a great story and would love to read more.
ReplyDeleteHeroes every one of them
ReplyDeleteHeroes? They should have stayed home and minded their own business.
DeleteHow they love ti deify and sinfully worship Abraham Lincoln as if he were sitting on the right hand of the Father. Lincoln would have slaughtered every, man, woman, child and infant in the South to preserve the Union. And right now Lincoln sits enthroned like Olympian Zeus in a memorial temple in Washington DC.
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DeleteThere would be no USA as the most powerful country in the world if Abraham Lincoln had not been willing to prosecute the Civil War. Democracy would be dead if Abraham Lincoln had not been willing to prosecute the Civil War. Lincoln knew that if the losers in an election are allowed to just pull out and set up shop for themselves, then the entire concept of democracy is meaningless. THAT is why he prosecuted the war. The Northern soldiers were willing to die for that cause, so we honor them. The Southern soldiers were fighting for one of the worst causes ever fought for, so I do not mourn them. Lincoln sits enthroned in a memorial in Washington D. C., very justly and rightly so. He saved our country.
DeleteAgreed. But it is a nice article. A reminder that those faces of death we see in the photos, were once someone’s son, husband or father. Someone dear and important in the lives of others.
ReplyDeleteStrong, well researched and assembled post. Important aspect of the average soldiers life during the war.
ReplyDeletevery engaging reporting. Props.
ReplyDeleteFascinating. I'll have to do a search to see if this book is available in print somewhere. Reminds me of Company Aych, first hand account of a confederate soldier. Also, I was surprised to see the word "plastic" here and looked it up. While plastic was only invented in 1907 (Thanks Mr. Google), it is also had a connotation back then of changing shape, being malleable, etc. What in interesting read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteJohn, wonderful post. Your post are always looked forward to each day. Thank You for posting. Mike Parker
ReplyDeleteThis is a stunner. I have never read it's like.
ReplyDeleteThank you John for posting this piece. Its a sobering reminder amongst the pomp and pageantry of military history. So well observed and written by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you John, for this post, and all your post's I live the Civil War in all these post, A Canadian follower !
Fascinating and poignant tales of mortally wounded soldiers. Having studied American Civil War history for over 35 years, I can attest that these narratives provide a profound revelation.
ReplyDeleteTerrible I hate it!!!
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