
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Video: A walk in The Bloody Cornfield at Antietam

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On Sept. 17, 1862, some of the fiercest fighting of the Civil War occurred in the rolling cornfield of David R. Miller.  “Rifles are shot to pieces in the hands of the soldiers, canteens and haversacks are riddled by bullets, the dead and wounded go down in scores." a Federal officer said of the battle in The Bloody Cornfield. "The smoke and fog lift; and almost at our feet, concealed in a hollow behind a demolished fence, lies a rebel brigade pouring into our ranks the most deadly fire of the war."

 Follow me on a tour of this hallowed ground at Antietam.


Cook, Bejamin F., History of the Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers, Boston, Published by the Twelfth (Webster) Regiment Association, 1882.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great video tour John. My God, Antietam still looks like a battlefield. And it's so easy to imagine what happened there.
