
Friday, March 16, 2018

Shooting gallery: At Antietam, it's about right angle of attack

The bodies of scores of Confederates lay in this old lane on Sept. 17, 1862.
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In war and in photography, it's wise to have a good angle of attack. On a brisk March afternoon at Antietam, one shooter's plan also included taking advantage of terrific sunlight. Click to enlarge these images, all shot at or near Bloody Lane. Remember: The "Portrait" function on your iPhone camera is your friend.

Irish Brigade commander Thomas Meagher in bas-relief on monument in Bloody Lane.
While a comrade suffers from a wound, soldiers charge into battle on the Irish Brigade monument.
A wary flag-bearer on the Irish Brigade monument.
In bas-relief, Col. Richard Oakford, KIA at Antietam, on the pedestal of the 132nd Pennsylvania monument.
Colonel Henry Zinn's image appears on a plaque on the 130th Pennsylvania monument.
132nd Pennsylvania monument stands guard at the lip of Bloody Lane,
A plaque on the 5th Maryland monument at Bloody Lane.
14th Connecticut monument in a farm field near Bloody Lane.
130th Pennsylvania monument at Bloody Lane.
On the Samuel Mumma farm, two cannon long ago put out to pasture.
These iron stairs lead to the top of the old War Department tower viewing deck.
View of Bloody Lane and General Israel Richardson mortuary cannon through a tower portal.
Constructed in 1897, the old War Department observation tower casts a long shadow.
Confederate artillery position overlooking Bloody Lane.
Sunlight bleeds through openings in the Roulette barn, a makeshift hospital during and after the battle.
Reflection of sunset and the West Woods in the windows of the Dunker Church.

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