
Thursday, April 08, 2021

Battle at Hollow Tree Gap: But did the car alarms go off?

                    EXPLORE THE PANORAMA of Hollow Tree Gap (Tenn.) battlefield site.

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On Dec. 17, 1864, the retreating Army of Tennessee — battered the day before at Nashville — dashed past these apartments, scattered managers in the leasing office, knocked two kids off their scooters, and wrecked several parked cars during a stand against Yankee cavalrymen, who had earlier quenched their thirst with 10 12-packs of Bud purchased across the road at a convenience store. Federal losses: 22 killed and wounded and more than 60 captured. Confederate losses: Roughly 250 captured and unknown number killed and wounded.

Thankfully, the Civil War Trails sign was not damaged in this hour-long brawl. 

John Bell Hood’s boys continued their retreat southward after this fight, also known as the Battle of Holly Tree Gap or The Duel at the Apartments. 

Let’s keep history alive. (Sort of. ) 😏

-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? Email me here.


  1. Very innovative approach! Thank goodness for the folks at Civil War Trails.

    Scott Shuster
    Houston, TX

  2. Great "tongue-in-cheek" as usual.



