
Monday, September 23, 2019

10 things I learned during three-day Antietam visit


1. A visit to the Antietam National Cemetery  ... never fails to be special. Sometimes, you can make it extra-special. On Saturday afternoon, I placed copies of images of 16th Connecticut Corporal Henry Evans and his wife Mary Ann, holding the couple's daughter Florence, at his grave. Evans was killed in the 40-Acre Cornfield.

2. Nothing beats dawn ... at Antietam. Here's sunrise at the Samuel Mumma farm.

3. The 16th Connecticut monument ... in the 40-Acre Cornfield casts an enormous afternoon shadow.

4. Widow Susan Hoffman ... was beautiful. This 1/9-plate ruby ambrotype was recently discovered by a Hoffman descendant. Her farm was used as a Federal hospital in the aftermath of Antietam.

5.  Bullets are embedded ... at the old Daniel Piper house in Sharpsburg, Md.

6. The William McKinley monument ... near Burnside Bridge is the most underrated monument on the battlefield.

7. The 132nd Pennsylvania monument at Bloody Lane ... is rarely a bad subject for a photograph.

8. Staring at the names on the 11th Connecticut monument near Burnside Bridge ... never gets old.

9. At the old War Department Tower at Bloody Lane ... Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower walked these iron steps to the top when they were West Point cadets.

10. The view from the top of old War Department tower at Bloody Lane ... always takes my breath away. (Click at upper right for full-screen experience.)

-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? Email me here.


  1. The people and places of history just keep on giving. Thanks, John!

  2. You do have a great eye - thanks John!

  3. I have only been to two Civil War sites. Gettysburg and Antietam. Both are beautiful. But Antietam always feels settled to me. Gettysburg feels like there is an unrest. Your pictures and stories are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
