
Thursday, July 04, 2019

A short story about bagels and the Fourth of July

A blogger named John and a Nashville Rescue Mission official named David.
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So I’m sitting in Panera here in Nashville this morning, eating my usual (egg sandwich on brioche) and washing it down with gallons of coffee. A man walks in and tells the manager, “I have thousands of bagels — my baker made way too many for the 5K. Can you take them?”

Hmmm. Well, hell, I’ll take them, I told the man.

Bagel man — Patrick — told me where to pick them up. As it turns out, he was manager for another  Panera nearby. And so I load the bagel bags into my car — seven or eight — weighing about 5,000 pounds apiece (great workout) and take them over to the Nashville Rescue Mission in downtown 'Ville. (Wow, my car smells awesome.)

Enough bagels to serve hundreds there, mission director David tells me. (Nashville-area peeps: Note info in background of photo.) Remember the needy in your ‘hood!

Hey, Patrick, where’s my cream cheese? 😁

Have a blessed 4th...

We are our brothers' (and sisters') keeper.

Hated to see these bagels go. They smelled soooooo good.

-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? E-mail me here.

1 comment:

  1. I started reading your bagels post and wondered whether the Lord would use you. Then I read that He did. Blessings on you, Mr. Banks! "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." Proverbs 19:17
