
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monumental photography: Who stands watch at Antietam

On Rodman Avenue, the 50th Pennsylvania monument at sunrise.
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A spectacular sun, billowy clouds, a deep-blue sky -- all serve as exquisite backdrops for images of the silent sentinels at Antietam. On an early autumn morning or late afternoon, the old French impressionist painters would have appreciated this landscape. When the light is right and Mother Nature cooperates, no Civil War battlefield compares for photography.

130th Pennsylvania monument at Bloody Lane.
The soaring New Jersey State monument at the intersection of Hagerstown Pike and Cornfield Avenue.
The "Wounded Lion" atop the 15th Massachusetts monument in the West Woods.
At the 124th Pennsylvania monument, a backdrop Claude Monet would appreciate.
A figure of an eagle atop the 28th Ohio monument on Branch Avenue.
Ready for action: 128th Pennsylvania monument faces Confederate position.
The Bloody Cornfield serves as backdrop for this image of  the 128th Pennsylvania monument.
Another view of 128th Pennsylvania monument, against a deep-blue sky backdrop.
The 130th Pennsylvania monument near the lip of Bloody Lane.
A setting sun shines on the plaque of the 137th Pennsylvania monument on Cornfield Avenue.
 In the immediate background, the 128th Pennsylvania monument.

-- Have something to add (or correct) in this post? E-mail me here.


  1. Wonderful photos John. Your battlefield monument photos and the personal stories you’ve uncovered from these regiments would make a terrific book.

  2. Great photos - always enjoy walking there, just don't get there often anymore.
