
Saturday, March 03, 2018

Video: Battle damage at Carter farm in Franklin, Tennessee

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On Nov. 30, 1864, some of the fiercest fighting of the Civil War occurred on the farm of Fountain Branch Carter during the Battle of Franklin, Tenn. Evidence of the battle on the farm remains visible today.

Although the casualty figures he wrote of were inaccurate, 1st Tennessee Private Sam Watkins accurately captured a picture of the carnage at Franklin:
"The private soldier sleeps where he fell, piled in one mighty heap. Four thousand five hundred privates! all lying side by side in death! Thirteen generals were killed and wounded. Four thousand five hundred men slain, all piled and heaped together at one place. I cannot tell the number of others killed and wounded. God alone knows that. We'll all find out on the morning of the final resurrection." 

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