
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Gettysburg Then & Now: Evergreen Cemetery gateway

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Walk through this gateway into an outdoor museum. Among the notables buried here at Evergreen Cemetery in Gettysburg are 20-year-old Jennie Wade, the only town citizen killed during the battle, and crusty War of 1812 veteran John Burns, who famously took his musket into action to fight the Rebs on July 1, 1863, the first day of the battle. Wounded during the fighting, Burns crawled to the safety of a nearby house.

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Figure of an angel atop Jennie Wade's gravestone in Evergreen Cemetery.
Wade was the only Gettysburg citizen killed during the battle.
On the front of her gravestone, the circumstances of Wade's death are noted.
Another view of the angel atop Jennie Wade's grave.
Flowers and a small flag left by visitors at Wade's grave.

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