
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Antietam panorama: 14th Connecticut monument, more

In this interactive Antietam panorama, the 17th in my series, the 14th Connecticut monument appears prominently at left. The monument marks the farthest point of the regiment's advance in this field on William Roulette's farm during the battle. When veterans returned to the Roulette farm for reunions, they covered almost every inch of the property, walking the fields, inspecting Roulette's farm house and spring house -- even collecting souvenirs. Eyeing the ground, a 14th Connecticut veteran spotted the heel of an artillery shell that he believed caused the death of several of his comrades. (See Page 44 in this regimental history.) Panning to the far right, you can make out the stone Observation Tower, which marks the end of Bloody Lane. When I walk the Roulette farm fields today, I thankfully don't have to worry about getting shot. I am wary of groundhog holes, however, especially near the 14th Connecticut monument. Step in one of those and you could easily crack an ankle, becoming yet another Antietam casualty.

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