
Saturday, May 05, 2012

Antietam, more: Share Civil War photos, stories

Holding a Bowie knife,  Wiley S. Boon is the only Confederate soldier in this collage.
A private in the 35th North Carolina, he was killed at Malvern Hill on July 1, 1862.
I told his story here.
Stories of the other soldiers featured are on my Faces of the Civil War thread.

From Captain Newton Manross of the 16th Connecticut  (killed at Antietam) to Lieutenant Perkins Bartholomew of the 14th Connecticut (mortally wounded at Boydton Plank Road) to Paymaster Robert Gillette (killed at Fort Fisher), the stories of more than 30 Civil War soldiers are told on the Faces of the Civil War thread on my blog. Some of the photos that accompany the stories are from my collection of hard images; others are supplied by readers. If you have a photo and story of a Civil War soldier that you would like to share, please e-mail me here. I am especially interested in Connecticut soldiers who fought at Antietam.

8th Connecticut monument at Antietam National Battlefield.

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