
Monday, May 05, 2008

Old and new at Gettysburg

The old visitors' center (right} at Gettysburg has closed, replaced by a beautiful, and much bigger, visitors' center (above) just up the road. That's a good thing. While many have a sentimental attachment to the old visitors' center -- it was the first place I remember seeing with my family on my first trip to Gettysburg in the early '70s -- it was dingy, poorly lit and often overcrowded. The new place has cool multimedia displays, ample museum space and a terrific bookstore. The Electric Map, a staple of the old visitors' center, is outdated and won't be displayed at the new center, much to the chagrin of some, but I don't think it will be missed. For old-time's sake, I stopped by the old place. The National Park Service will demolish it next year and restore the land to its 1863 appearance.


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    borrow "a" bulldozer

    ...I'm sure it's the first typo ever identified on this site.

    hardy har har

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    you know what you call sixteen heads, thirty two teeth and a second-grade education?

    a: as far as the level of readers of this blog, (author here excepted) they're called "gifted."

  3. Anonymous10:42 PM

    thanks for your feedback!
