"As the regiment entered the fated cornfield it was met
by a most terrific volley of musketry, and the slaughter was
appalling. Men fell by the score. That the regiment did
nobly, is the verdict of all who witnessed its heroism on the
battle-field. Its aggregate loss in killed, wounded, captured,
and missing, equaled that of any other Connecticut regiment

Austin didn't meet his maker at Antietam, however. He became a prisoner of war in April 1864 at the Battle of Plymouth (N.C.), where Union forces, outnumbered about 5 to 1, were attacked by land and sea. Here's an account of the battle from the regiment history:
"Five times the enemy stormed the lines, and as many times were they handsomely repulsed, with great slaughter. The rebels raised the "black flag" against the negroes found in uniform, and mercilessly shot them down. Fort Pillow was re-enacted. The losses in the Sixteenth, including the captured, were four hundred and
After the Battle of Plymouth, captured enlisted men such as Austin were shipped farther south, to Andersonville, the notorious Georgia POW camp. Prison camp conditions on both sides during the Civil War were terrible, and many died of disease. Austin probably was among them. He died on Jan. 8, 1865, and was buried in Avon, Conn. One can imagine the scene -- a cold, winter day, a blanket of snow on the ground and a grieving family weeping over his grave.
These accounts are really interesting. Keep them coming.